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Mpata Primary school has almost 400 students, no electricity and hardly any resources for learning. Learners from Heriot and Fountainhall schools in Scottish Borders are forming an education link with Mpata to hear more about School-life in Malawi. Mpata school have announced 2023 Primary School Education Certificate results: 25 Students took the exam, 14 Passed,Continue reading “Add Education”
June 2020 Young tailors in Luwatala have been making masks for the community. About half the village can now have access to a mask to use, especially if they are going to the local market. All the kind donations from the crowdfunding site have been going towards hygiene resources for the prevention of Covid-19 spreadContinue reading “Covid19”
Sharing Maize
October 2019 Sharing Maize. In March 2019 Cyclone Idai came through Malawi destroying buildings whilst crops and top soil were stripped by flooding. Food stores were low going into the rainy months – particularly at the local Primary School which aims to give its learners one porridge meal a day.